Every month we gather for great fun, beverages and AWESOME company!
Come join us – all are welcome!
This month we are joined by the ED, board and staff of the California Bicycle Coalition and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition’s ED Eli Akira Kaufman! Hope you can join us!
We hope you can join us for our February HandleBar Happy Hour at Daily Grill
Our group will be treated to an extended Happy Hour!
The Daily Grill invites to – Your Home Away From Home
Yes there are vegan options 
Located on Colorado Avenue between Cloverfield Blvd and 26th Street in the Colorado Center. Easy access by bike, BBB or Expo*
*Parking garage entrance is located on Colorado between 26th & Cloverfield. Three hours of complimentary self-parking is provided with validation.
#HBHH #BikeLocalSM #BikeSM #SMSpoke #DrinkLocalSM #EatLocalSM
Our Happy Hours support local businesses and BuyLocalSM
End of every month we like to get together for fun, support local businesses, and to celebrate all things bike (and multi-modal).
Always fun, always family friendly!
Socialize, talk bikes, give input ….
If it’s on your way don’t forget to pass the Bike Counter!
Big thank you to our January #BuyLocalSM #BikeLocalSM #HBHH venue Lanea!
We hope you will join us, we alway have a GREAT GROUP and FUN is had by all!
Celebrate #BikeLocalSM, our Buy Local SM businesses, happy hour + new friends at our monthly events!  Learn about upcoming local bike events + find out about and connect with us at SM Spoke… as we visit and introduce you to some of our Buy Local SM businesses. Eat Local, Drink Local, Buy Local AND Bike Local SM!
Think Santa Monica First …. Buy “Bike†Local
Bike Local, Buy Local – Eat/shop/play local by bicycle! It’s fun, healthy and good for the environment.  Join us for our monthly Handlebar Happy Hour events the last week of the month, check the Calendar! Organized in partnership with Buy Local SM to help showcase our BLSM businesses and the joy of bicycling and the options of multi-modal transportation!