MANGo Ribbon Cutting!!
You are invited to celebrate the opening of the Michigan Avenue landscape circles and the first phase of implementing MANGo, the areas first Neighborhood Greenway! Streets designed to support equity of all road users.
You are invited to celebrate the opening of the Michigan Avenue landscape circles and the first phase of implementing MANGo, the areas first Neighborhood Greenway! Streets designed to support equity of all road users.
Change it up, get to the park by bike or walk if you can on May 30th, 2015. Do you have a bike you’ve outgrown or are looking to upgrade? Bring your unwanted bicycles to swap at the park.
*must be in operable condition
Mark your Calendar our next KIDICAL MASS is June 27th.
We ride from Reed Park - July 4th Theme
Santa Monica Spoke ‪#‎BikeSantaMonica‬ and ‪#‎SafeRoutestoSchool‬ staff will be hosting a bike skills rodeo station for children, helmet decorating, bike information, and giveaways!
Local businesses and non-profits gather at the Festival to provide expertise, advice, and product samples promoting a healthy and happy lifestyle for the entire Santa Monica Community. We will be there with a kids Bike Skills Course - stop by!
Join the City of Santa Monica & Santa Monica Spoke for the first ever Kidical Mass(ive), part of a Global Family Bike Ride Event
In conjunction with National Walk to School Day (Oct. 7th), SMMUSD students and their families are encouraged to Bike It! Walk It! Bus It! during the week of October 5-9, 2015. […]
Santa Monica Family Bike Festival at McKinley School* When I say festival – I mean FESTIVAL. This will be a day full of activities for the whole family! Join us at […]
Join Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica for the first 2016 Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride.
Valentine Theme: February 13th - Wheel YOU be my Valentine?
Test ride a wide variety of cargo bikes, meet like minded people and have your kids enjoy fun activities.
Aika will have a jumpy house, face painters, arts & crafts and best of all rides in the CARGO BIKES!