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Do you want to ride in this Sunday’s Los Angeles River Ride, Free?

Do you want to ride in this Sunday’s Los Angeles River Ride – for FREE?! Do you someone else who might?
LACBC’S local chapters Santa Monica Spoke & Walk Bike Glendale won the LACBC local chapters new member challenge so we got 4 passes to give away!,
We add that to the pass that Scott Sing bought and donated to to the member challenge, plus Bryan and I are donating our passes and that makes 7 total!!
New member Lucas Capra was the winner of the pass in our drawing, that leaves 6 more up for grabs!

Ride in this Sunday’s LA RIVER RIDE FOR FREE: 6 rides to choose from & kids are always FREE!

We don’t want them to go to waste, Come out and play with LACBC, Santa Monica Spoke and all our local Chapters this Sunday for a great day of cycling fun, Eco Expo, raffle, live music, and food. Bryan and I will be at the Autry all day, in our chapter booth and hanging out! Must be LACBC member or join to qualify for free pass.
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More info on the LA River Ride on our website

The L.A. River Ride is the signature event of Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, the only non-profit organization representing the over 3 million bicyclists in L.A. County, working county-wide to improve conditions for bicyclists while building community life in the area.
Your participation makes a significant contribution to LACBC’s efforts to complete the L.A. River Bikeway from the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach, and to make bicycling safe and enjoyable for everyone. The river ride also benefits : Eliya and Moms In Motion.
Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” H.G. Wells

BAP update: New Buffered Bike Lanes going in on Montana Ave!

Yes it’s True!

If you have been on Montana in the last few days you may have noticed some of the lane markings on the new pavement for bike lanes. Not just bike lanes, but Buffered Bike Lanes like the ones that went in on Bicknell Ave, east of Main Street this past March.

Bicknell Buffered Lanes, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â East off Main St. (So. of Pico)

Chalk lines went in to line out the markings, and although they might not be exciting to some – I think this group may find them an exciting and beautiful sight indeed! Unlike the lanes on Bicknell Ave that connect a two block stretch between Main St. and 4th, the lanes on Montana will ultimately go from Ocean Ave to 17th Street and intersect with several north/south bike facilities now in place. Coupled with the current repaving project on Montana we should see paint laid down for the buffered lanes on Montana Ave. from 7th to 17th sometime middle of next week, current schedule is for Tuesday night.


The lane configuration between 7th and 17th Streets will be:
7′ parking lane,
7’ buffered bike lane (3’ door zone buffer like Bicknell),
11’ vehicle lane,
10’ center left turn lane.



For the segment between Ocean Ave and 7th we are told to ignore the current chalk markings the city put in last December as they have adopted a better course of action in the following design configuration:
7’ parking lane,
7’ buffered bike lane, (as above)
10’ vehicle lane.

Although the city is attempting to coordinate the striping of this portion between Ocean Ave and 7th with the repaving and striping from 7th to 17th it is not likely that this portion will happen next week.

With this project there are a few trouble spots. One is at 7th St. where there are left turn pockets on Montana Ave.  The remaining available road area narrows so there is no room at 7th Street to continue the buffered lanes up to and through this intersection. The challenge here will be how to direct cyclist through this intersection clearly and safely. Sharrows? The city is currently working on design configurations to get through the “pinch” at 7th where the road narrows with the addition of the left turn pockets. The second is east of 17th where the road is currently too narrow for bike lanes. We have suggested and heard discussion of sharrows from 17th to 26th but currently do not know if that is the final plan.

We look forward to updating you with paint on the street, what designs the engineers are concidering at the intersection at 7th – and what will be done at the east end of Montana, east of 17th.

Happy Riding!!

Remember you can still send your ideas and suggestions for Bike Action Plan implementation, for this or any areas of the city to


Happy 1st National Bike to School Day!

When you see the “bike trains” and “walking school buses” as neighborhood kids and parents come together on the way to and from school, it’s also clear that walking and biking to school strengthens communities.

That’s why the National Center for Safe Routes to School is so important. Through the Center’s efforts,more than 12,000 school communities have worked to make bicycling and walking to school safer and more appealing.

The National Center for Safe Routes to School, in partnership with the League of American Bicyclists, is pleased to be organizing the first-ever National Bike to School Day on May 9, 2012. Let the bike bells ring!

The inaugural National Bike to School Day will be the first opportunity for communities across the country to join together to bicycle to school on the same day. The event builds on the excitement surrounding National Bike Month, as well as the popularity of Walk to School Day, coordinated by the National Center for Safe Routes to School every October.

The event is coordinated by the Federal Highway Administration’s National Center for Safe Routes to School, and they’ve done a terrific job because–although it’s just the first year–more than 700 schools in 49 states and the District of Columbia are participating.  As Safe Routes director Lauren Marchetti said, “We knew there was support for a spring bike to school day. We couldn’t be more pleased with how many communities and families are coming together to promote biking to school on this one day.”

Bike to School Day event registration was free and available to individuals and/or organizations planning a 2012 Bike to School Day event in the United States. Events that registered at appear on the site as “Bike to School Day Pioneers.”

The success of this first-ever National Bike to School Day illustrates that communities across the country understand the need to provide students with healthy options for getting to and from school.

Of course, the rest of us can help by being good “Roll Models,” which means demonstrating safe behavior whether we’re walking, biking, or driving. You can learn more about NHTSA’s Roll Model partnership with AAA at NHTSA’s Parents’ Central website.

Many thanks to the local Safe Routes coordinators across the country. I look forward to seeing this terrific program expand to even more schools next year and in the years to come.

In a press release we received today from Bike It /Walk it you can see the dates on more events in Santa Monica.

Breaking ground in Santa Monica for the long awaited Expo Line!

Monday, Spokes Barbara Filet witnessed the groundbreaking of the Expo line, Phase II, at its terminus in Santa Monica. Both she and Kent Strumpell have been pushing for this since about 1990, with the organization, Friends for Expo. “It is very gratifying to see it actually happening” says Barbara, but she reminds us there is still much work that needs to be done on the station area designs and the bike route.

Council Bill Rosendal thanked Santa Monica’s Councilwoman Pam O’Connor for her “tenacious, constant and very effective” dedication on this project. O’Connor in turn gave thanks the “dozens of  Santa Monica mayors” (many whom were present) who played such a huge roll in making sure this project made it as far as the beach.

Watch Video

SMMoA Cycle Chic Ride this Saturday

The first ride scheduled back in March was rained out. It  has been rescheduled for this Saturday!

SMMoA Hearts Bikes

Please note this ride is on Saturday 5/21

Cycle Chic


When:      Saturday, May 21, 2011
Time:        10am-1-pm
Where:     SMMoA at Bergamot

Join us for a day of culture, style, and cycling! This half-day bike excursion includes:

A tour of SMMoA’s current exhibitions

-Marco Brambilla: The Dark Lining
Simmons and Burke: In Media(s) Res, Media(s) In Res
Park Studio: State of Mind

Studio visits with artist Blue McRight and architect Warren Wagner of W3 Architects. Preview McRight’s recent work and Wagner’s exciting green living projects.

Rest stop at the Frank Gehry-designed Edgemar Center to learn about the Buy Local Program with the Main Street Merchants Assocation. Receive information, coupons, and free samples!

Participation fee: $10 Click here to purchase ticket
FREE for SMMoA members: RSVP to

Join SMMoA today and receive free admission to Cycle Chic and many other exclusive member benefits!

FELT Bicycles will lend bikes to individuals on a first come, fist serve basis. Sizes and styles vary.

Please contact:

Riders are welcome to stay on Main Street for a guided walking tour or return to SMMoA. Ride leadership provided by Santa Monica SPOKE.

About Cycle Chicâ„¢: Sparked in Copenhagen, Denmark to celebrate the cycling capital’s perennial style and sensibility, Cycle Chicâ„¢ inspires sartorial riding in urban cities all over the world.

About Santa Monica’s Buy Local Program: This is a campaign created by representatives of the Santa Monica business community and the City of Santa Monica to support the economic and environmental benefits of choosing local first.


rain drop

In the case of rain, this event will be canceled.



Event Partners: Cycle Chicâ„¢, Blue McRight, W3 Architects/Warren Wagner, FELT Bicycles, Buy Local Santa Monica, Main Street Merchants Association, Santa Monica SPOKE

In-kind snacks and refreshments generously provided by Clif Bar and O.N.E. Coconut Water.

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