From the City of Santa Monica
We invite you to you get involved. Find out what is happening and what is planned in our vibrant city. If you have questions, here is where you can get them answered!
Protected bike lanes? Equitable enforcement policies? Adopt Complete Street policy? What do you want to see?
Santa Monica Talks is for people who live and work in Santa Monica and want to learn about the city and our community. The same information is presented at each event  and all events are free so you can pick the date most convenient for you. Local restaurants will provide delicious food and drinks for you to enjoy as you learn about city initiatives and mingle and meet your neighbors City staff and management.
Retiring City Manager Rod Gould will talk about city services and Santa Monica’s future. City staff will be on hand to answer questions.
Information is the same at each of the three events. Come to whichever event works best for you. Â
View Santa Monica Talks events:Â
Have questions about Santa Monica Talks? Contact City Manager’s Office