Category Archives: Safe Routes to School

KIDICAL MASS Bike Ride: August 23rd, Virginia Ave Park

SAVE THE DATE: Kidical Mass Bike Ride
August 23rd, Virginia Ave Park

Festivities from 9:00am to NOON
The next Kidical Mass Ride for 2014, Saturday, August 23rd. A fun bike ride experience for families with kids of all ages! Education with Fun & Prizes! Wear a costume and you could win a prize!Kidical Mass flyer_Aug2014 Letter Size

DATE:    SATURDAY August 23rd
TIME:    9:00 AM – NOON
START:  Virginia Ave Park
north side of park along Virginia Ave 

Free: Please RSVP HERE

Join Santa Monica Spoke, the City of Santa Monica for Santa Monica’s next Kidical Mass Bike Ride.  We will take a family friendly ride around the Santa Monica neighborhood, east of Virginia Ave Park along the planned Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway. Prize drawings plus Prize for BEST DRESSED!

Pre-ride snacks, Face painting, Helmet Decorating, Prize Drawings, Best Dressed Prize, Free Bike Safety Checks, & Check-in
Arrive early and don’t miss the FUN!
Neighborhood Bike Ride
11:00am (or upon return)
Return to Virginia Ave Park around 11-11:15am for FUN and post-ride snacks provided by KIND,  Farmers Market scavenger hunt, and help celebrate the new Virginia Park Library!

.       KINDLogo_ for White Background

Watch our 1st Kidical Mass in 2013 video here:………………….

Don’t have a Kid Carrying Bike? NOT  A PROBLEM !sm_bike_center
Special 20% discount on Rental at the Santa Monica Bike Center. You can find special Kid carrying cargo bikes, kid seats, trailers, tandems, tag-a-longs!! Anything you could need at a 20% discount  rentals) – Please reserve online and write “Kidical Mass” in the special requirements section of the reservation – 20% discount will be applied at check out! Reserve early and plan to pick up bikes Saturday morning in time to arrive at the event.

Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long.


Good start at Metro LA: Call for Active Transportation Finance Strategy

Metro fund Walk Bike1 image: Safe Routes to School, California 

Yeah LA, we made a statement today!

Continue the conversation with your photos, posts and tweets ‪#‎MetroFundBikeWalk‬
See more here

Safe Routes To School National Partnership CA and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition have been leading the broad coalition of engaged advocates urging Metro investment in active transportation of walking and biking. We give a HUGE thanks to the crowd from all over LA County and the Los Angeles County Active Transportation Collaborative Partners that attended Metro’s Policy and Programming Committee today. We were heard – undeniable support for a commitment to an active transportation strategy! We give a nod and thanks to the leadership of Metro Directors: Mike Bonin, Pam O’Connor, John Fasana and Mark Ridley Thomas. We now look forward to next Thursday, July 24th when the Metro Board will consider adoption of the motion proposed to:

1. Develop an Active Transportation Finance Strategy for Los Angeles County by January 2015 that:

    • Defines performance metrics to measure improvements for walking and biking, including: access to walking and biking infrastructure, access to education and encouragement programs, rates of Metro customers walking and biking to transit, collision and injury/fatality rates and greenhouse gas reductions from active transportation
    • Sets benchmarks based on the developed performance metrics and identifies what level of annual investment is necessary to meet those goals
    • Inventories available funding sources to meet the investment need
    • Recommends possible changes to Metro, state, and federal policies to increase access to existing funding sources if the need exceeds available funding, including but not limited to an analysis of the funding priorities of Metro’s Call for Projects and the state Active Transportation Program.

2. Report back in October on what steps are necessary to incorporate walking and biking in Metro’s travel demand model, with an assessment of best practices by other regional transportation agencies for accounting for active transportation with interim off-model approaches, and expanding data sets to include all trips not just commute data.
See the full motion here.

 MetroFundWalkBike2  MetroFundWalkBike7 MetroFundWalkBike4 MetroFundWalkBike6 MetroFundWalkBike3 Add your voice to the conversion #MetroFundWalkBike on Facebook & twitter

from leadership at Safe Routes to School National Partnership, California

Join LACBC at Metro on 7/16 to Ask for More Funding for Walking & Biking


For over two years, LACBC has worked alongside the Safe Routes to School National Partnership to call attention to the critical lack of funding for walking and biking in Los Angeles County. Despite pedestrians and bicyclists making up 19% of all trips and 39% of roadway fatalities in LA County, less than 1% of transportation funding is spent on these two modes. On July 16th, Metro’s Planning and Programming Committee will consider adopting a 10-year Short Range Transportation Plan that again gives short shrift to walking and biking.


Join us July 16th at Metro:

We’re mobilizing our countywide coalition to turn out to a Metro committee meeting next Wednesday (we meet at 2:15 pm to coordinate). Please join us on July 16th to show your support for increasing funding for walking and biking.  Metro Board Room: Planning and Programming Committee considering $88B plan with only 0.6% for walk/bike

Where:    Metro HQ, Metro Board Room, One Gateway Plaza, 3rd floor
Day:         Wednesday, July 16th
Time:       2:15 pm to coordinate* –  You do not have to speak. Easy access from Santa Monica on the #10 Big Blue Bus. * we’ll notify those who rsvp of any time adjustment

Please RSVP Eric at LACBC. (email 

Social Media Participation!

There is also an opportunity to use social media to express your support.  Using the hashtag #metrofundwalkbike. Please join the conversation online by posting to Twitter and Facebook:

  • Answering the question: “Why should #metrofundwalkbike?”
  • Add pictures!! Write your answer on a piece of paper – (green if possible) and share the picture in tweets and on Facebook. Get your friends and family to do it too!
  • For social media tag our local Metro Board Members, Westside is Pam O’Connorr @PamOConnorMetro, Zev Yaroslavsky @ZevYaroslavsky and Mike Bonin @mikebonin and @metrolosangeles
  • Not on Twitter or Facebook? – comment on this post or email us your comment and/or picture – We’ll post it!

Together we can get the funding we need to make LA County walkable and bikeable, but we need the whole choir singing. This week it gets real. Please help get the word out to your networks so we can get diverse turnout next Wednesday and a full representation online.

Metro’s reluctance to plan for and invest in active transportation stands in the way of our region meeting its mobility, environmental and public health goals. In Metro’s view, walking and biking are the purview of individual cities and not a regional transportation priority. As a result, Metro has a fragmented approach to walking and biking that does not ensure that all of the parts add up to a region that is in fact multimodal, safe and serves the needs of all travelers and all trips. (JM, SRTSNP)

Metro’s staff report  addressing  these concerns dismissed the value of walking and bicycling as “regionally significant” modes of transportation and continues to discount the importance of non-commute trips. For more info and additional links, please see full post at SRTS National Partnership  

Kidical Mass ride: June 28th, Douglas Park

Kidical Mass Ride:
June 28th, Douglas Park
Theme: 4th of July

Festivities from 9:00am to 12:30pm

The next Kidical Mass Ride for 2014, Saturday, June 28th. A fun bike ride experience for families with kids of all ages! Education with Fun, Pizza, Prizes! Wear a costume and you could win a prize!

DATE:    SATURDAY June 28THKidical Mass flyer_June2014 Letter Size
TIME:    9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
START:  Douglas Park – buy the playground.

Free: Please RSVP HERE

Join Santa Monica Spoke, and the City of Santa Monica for the City’s next Kidical Mass Ride.  We will take a family friendly ride around the Santa Monica neighborhood north of Douglas Park. Raffle & Prizes at Douglas Park when we return!

Check-in, Bike Safety Checks, Helmet Decorating, Snacks
Neighborhood Bike Ride
Return to Douglas Park by noon for FUN, Raffle Drawing and Prizes!


Don’t have a Kid Carrying Bike?sm_bike_center
Special 20% discount on Rental at the Santa Monica Bike Center. You can find special Kid carrying cargo bikes, kid seats, trailers, tandems, tag-a-longs!! Anything you could need at a 20% discount  rentals) – Please CALL IN* and mention Kidical Mass Ride! Reserve early and plan to pick up bikes Saturday morning in time to arrive at the event.
* Please call in as bikes are set aside for Kidical Mass and cannot be reserved online.

Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long.

Watch last year’s Kidical Mass here:

Santa Monica Festival BIKE ZONE: Bike Exhibition, Family Bike Hub, Schedule HERE

Santa Monica Festival,
Saturday, June 14th, 11am – 6pm

Santa Monica Festival celebrates its 23rd year at Clover Park.  The festival showcases sustainable living and culture through an array of free, family-friendly activities and performances, including art workshops, music and dance performances, cooking demonstrations, fitness classes, and more that reflect the culture and diversity of this unique beach City.
4th Bike Exhibition and NEW Youth Skills Couse Bike Rodeo in expanded BIKE ZONE
Volunteers needed – email