Category Archives: Safe Routes to School

Sign the Petition for Safer Street TODAY!

We invite you to participate at the May 9th City Council Meeting by joining us, sending your personal input to council, and Signing the Petition for Safer Streets Today!

Will you attend?

First the Fun !

At the May 9th Council Meeting the Mayor will proclaim May as Bike Month in 2017!
Join us to celebrate our communities dedication to biking and healthily active transportation.


“the current epidemic of serious injuries and traffic fatalities is nearing double digits in just the last few weeks”

At the May 9th meeting the City Council will hear from staff and the public on the City’s efforts on pedestrian and biking safety programs, infrastructure improvements and implementation on Vision Zero.  Here is the Staff Report on Vision Zero, Bike Action Plan, and Pedestrian Action Plan Implementation. The Council’s agenda has the hearing immediately after the consent calendar; we expect it to begin between 6:30 and 7:30 pm this Tuesday.With the 2 year budget soon to be discussed this is our opportunity to tell our city leaders we want true commitment to safety in the form of dedicated funding for improved safety infrastructure. This is our chance to tell the City that we want them to hire a full-time pedestrian safety coordinator to coordinate Vision Zero and to fund improved safety infrastructure, like buffered bike lanes, better crosswalks, and safer sidewalks.

Without a pedestrian coordinator dedicated to the task of Vision Zero to coordinate between City departments and to shepherd and oversee projects we can never realize the commitment Santa Monica made to reduce preventable traffic fatalities to zero in 10 years. The City must be transparent, coordinated and data driven if we ever wish to solve the growing epidemic of serious injuries and fatalities due to traffic collisions!

Santa Monica has demonstrated it’s commitment to the environment and reducing emissions by encouraging residents and visitors toward alternate modes of transportation like walking, biking and public transportation. With that there is also the obligation to keep us safe when we opt for these modes for our health and for the health of our community through the commitment of funds for staff and projects. With the current epidemic of serious injuries and traffic fatalities nearing double digits in just the last few weeks in Santa Monica — the time is now to make that commitment!  One’s life should not be put at risk for walking or riding a bike to get to our daily destinations.

If you have not yet signed the petition, we invite you to do so now. PLEASE also invite your friends and family to sign before the City Council Meeting May 9th. In addition to the petition you are also invited to send your thoughts and concerns directly to City Council members in advance of the May 9th meeting by emailing

If you have questions please do not hesitate to email us

Click here to Sign the Petition for Safer Streets Today!

Events this weekend and Bike Month 2017!

Click images for more details:

Saturday: Kidical Mass. Ride starts at Memorial Park

A bike ride event for the whole family.

This Sunday: Ride with the Mayor!

Ride a ride along the beach with Mayor Ted Winterer to a presentation by the The Bay Foundation and the Annenberg Community Beach House about the Beach Restoration Pilot Project.

April HandleBar Happy Hour

On Wednesday April 26th we head back to the Pico Neighborhood and Santa Monica’s new modern neighborhood diner, Lunetta All Day

May 3rd: Presentation by: Urban Cycling Institute, Rotterdam

A presentation of research with students from the Urban Cycling Institute in Rotterdam. The event is scheduled for the evening of May 3rd in Santa Monica, Happy Hour reception will follow.

May is Bike Month – Bike to Work Week May 14th – 21st
More events posted as they are confirmed!

Santa Monica Business Get ready for  in Santa Monica! You are invited to participate with specials: Sign up here:   with our Buy Local Santa Monica Partner and help us celebrate! We will promote all our participating Santa Monica business and their specials in May!


Tomorrow February 11th Kidical Mass

We are still a GO!
Get there at 9am for juice, coffee, bagels
and pre ride activities!

click images for full information or check the event calendar

Kidical Mass: Valentine, February 11th at Virginia Park


Saturday – February 11th – Virginia Avenue Park

We are a GO for the Ride! Arrive early and don’t miss the fun!

DATE:    SATURDAY February 11th
TIME:    9:00 AM – NOON
START:  Virginia Avenue Park (2200 Virginia Avenue – north side of the park)
– meet north side of park at 22nd Street 

Free: Please RSVP HERE so we have enough refreshments and activity supplies!

Join Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica for the next Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride.  You never know what special guest could join us – last year we were joined by Madi Carlson from Seattle’s Kidical Mass and City Councilwoman Pam O’Connor – Maybe the Mayor?!.
Drawings and Prize for BEST DRESSED!

Pre-ride snacks, Coffee, and beverages for the kids (Please be sustainable and bring your own cups), Helmet Decorating, Prizes, Free Bike Safety Checks provided by TBD, & Check-in
Arrive early and don’t miss the FUN
We return to Clover Park for FUN and post-ride snacks provided by KIND.
Valentine Cookie Decorating is planned!

* Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long……

Don’t have a bike –
You can #RideBreeze!

Don’t have a Kid Carrying Bike? NOT  A PROBLEM !sm_bike_center
Special 20% discount on Rentals at the Santa Monica Bike Center. You can find special Kid carrying cargo bikes, kid seats, trailers, tandems, tag-a-longs!! Anything you could need at a 20% discount for rentals) – Please reserve online and write “Kidical Mass” in the special requirements section of the reservation – 20% discount will be applied at check out! Reserve early and plan to pick up bikes Saturday morning in time to arrive at the event.

Info at the event on Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway, MANGo Phase II and Safe Routes to Edison Language Academy.