Category Archives: Press

1800 Stewart St./ Agensys

It’s now or never for a bike path at 1800 Stewart St./ Agensys

Santa Monica’s Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE) was selected by the California Chapter of the American Planning Association as the winner of this year’s “Outstanding Comprehensive Planning Award, Small Jurisdiction,”  the profession’s highest statewide honor. LUCE heavily promotes bicycling, walking and connectivity.

LUCE Chapter 3.5-10, Active Living and Health states:
“In response to an alarming national trend toward obesity and disease, the City is committed to promoting active lifestyles for the health and well being of the community.”  Policy 16.1: “The City shall promote land use patterns and transportation decisions that enable all residents to walk and bicycle to meet their daily needs, including: Expand the bicycle network and ensure that residents can safely bike to stores, schools, parks, and places of employment.”

Requiring a Michigan-Stewart bike path in the 1800 Stewart Street (Agensys) development agreement represents the first test of our LUCE commitment to active transportation. Once this development sits astride that bike route, it is a plug that will stay in place for the length of the lease: 50 years or more.

Map #1: location of proposed bike path

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Why is a bike path between Michigan and Stewart Street so important?

  • The Michigan-Stewart bike path will enhance bicycle connectivity to the Bergamot rail station and village.  A transit hub and public gathering place of this significance demands multiple convenient bicycle connections to the surrounding community.
  • It will help reduce traffic and parking demand in the Bergamot station area and help reduce pollution caused by short trips to the station, helping us meet our Sustainable City Plan goals.
  • This path will be a key link for completing a cross-town bike facility where there is a gaping hole in the east-west bike network between Broadway and Pearl in the under-served Pico Neighborhood.  Except for Michigan, this corridor now offers cyclists only traffic-clogged arterials: Pico, Olympic, Colorado and Cloverfield.  When connected to Stewart St. by this path, the Michigan bike route will provide a low-stress, convenient and safe route west to Samohi, Civic Center and Ocean Park beaches and to eastern Santa Monica and Los Angeles from the west.

Map #2: current bike facilities

  • LUCE plans call for an expansion of the bike network and identify a Michigan Ave. bike route.

Map #3 LUCE Bikeway Network plan

Map #4, route of a complete Michigan Ave. bikeway

  • It will help reduce traffic and parking demand in the Bergamot station area and help reduce pollution caused by short trips to the station, helping us meet our Sustainable City Plan goals.

2 . Why should the city prioritize a bike link between Michigan and Stewart St. when Michigan is not yet an officially designated bike facility?

  • Our city’s Bicycle Master Plan hasn’t been updated for more than 15 years. In the meantime, Michigan Ave. from Lincoln to 20th has functioned as a well-used bike route and is identified in the LUCE as part of its proposed Bikeway Network (see Map 3, above).  Michigan now serves as the major safe bike route to Samohi, used by numerous students every school day. It also serves workers and recreational riders all week long.  With this high level of usage, it is simply due to a lack of bicycle planning that it is not already designated as an official bike route.

  • Santa Monica has applied to the League of American Bicyclists to be designated a bicycle-friendly city, winning only a Bronze status for good valet bike parking. To reach a Silver rating or higher, it must create more bike routes.  The city has committed to doing so in the LUCE and should start by integrating the Michigan-Stewart bike path into the southern edge of the Agensys parcel.

3.  Why is a bike path needed at the southern edge of the 1800 Stewart Street Agensys parcel when there are other options?

  • Santa Monica is trying to make cycling a preferred travel choice, not an inconvenient option that takes you out of your way.  Without this direct link, cyclists from east Santa Monica headed to the Samohi/Civic Center/beaches vicinity via Michigan will have to take circuitous detours and cross major roads and/or the rail line.  The various route options that have been proposed are illustrated and discussed below.
  • The LUCE calls for breaking up large barriers to circulation. The Bergamot Art Complex, the City Yards, Stewart Park and the Agensys parcel create a 38-acre superblock barrier, the largest impermeable collection of parcels in Santa Monica after the airport, separating neighborhoods. The Expo bike path does not penetrate this superblock as the Michigan-Stewart bike path would do.
    LUCE Chapter 4.0-38, Goal T9.9 requires bike access be created through large developments:  “Large property developments (defined as greater than one square block of 300’x300′) should provide through access for bicyclists and pedestrians.”
  • To create a finer circulation grid in the Bergamot transit Village, the Industrial Lands workshop participants also identified as desirable a path at the southern boundary of the Agensys parcel.
    LUCE Chapter 2.3-36 Investment Focus Areas specifies: “In the development of the Bergamot Transit Village, it is critical that bicycle access, connectivity and amenities are emphasized. In doing so, bicycling can become a primary mode of transportation for trips within the village, the City and the surrounding community.”

Map #5: desired Bergamot Village paths from Industrial Lands workshop

  • LUCE Chapter 4.0-41 calls for a bike connection to rail stations and between Stewart Park and Bergamot Station, which this bike path provides:
    “As funding becomes available, complete major gaps in the bikeway network, including:
    •Connections to future rail stations and activity centers.
    •Connections between Stewart Park and Bergamot Station.”

  • West of Bergamot Station, the future Expo Bikeway heads in a different direction: towards Downtown Santa Monica and will end at 17th Street and Colorado. It is not a direct bike route to prime destinations farther west or south of the freeway such as Samohi, the Civic Center and Ocean Park beaches.  Michigan is the safest, most direct bike route to that part of the city.

Map #6: Bike path route/detour alternatives

4.  What other bike routes/detours have been proposed?

  • Option 1. A bike path directly from Stewart St. to Michigan (our preferred option).
    Cyclists would enter the bike path directly from Stewart St. and proceed to the Bergamot Station Art Complex parking lot and Michigan Avenue.  A separated bike path corridor could be created in the parking lot, perhaps using some space from a lightly used storage area on City Yards property to get cyclists to Michigan.  From there, cyclists would cross Cloverfield with traffic to proceed west.
  • Option 2. Detour via Expo Bikeway to 20th St. (after 2015)
    Cyclists will first cross the LRT tracks from Stewart before getting on the future Expo Bikeway (coming in five years at the earliest) then cross major boulevards including 26th St., Cloverfield and Olympic and take 20th St. south, crossing Olympic again to get to Michigan.
  • Option 3. Detour via Expo Bikeway and through Bergamot Station and Art Complex (after 2015)
    Cyclists attempting to access Michigan from the Expo Bikeway by going through Bergamot station would encounter conflicts with pedestrians in the station area and Bergamot Art Complex as well as motor vehicles in the Bergamot parking lot.  Also requires two crossings of the light rail tracks.

Map #7, Additional bike path route options

  • Option 4. Detour via Expo Bikeway to 26th St. (after 2015)
    This detour requires cyclists on Stewart St. to cross the Expo tracks to reach the Expo Bikeway, then to cross the LRT tracks again at 26th St.. From there this route requires navigating 26th St., which is one-way, against traffic flow somehow (on the sidewalk?  a special contra-flow bike lane?).  The diagram then shows the route proceeding against traffic flow on the east side of Cloverfield, presumably on the sidewalk?  Finally, cyclists would cross Cloverfield to get to Michigan.
  • Option 5. Detour through Stewart Park to Delaware
    This is a long detour to the south side of Stewart park, emerging near the freeway onto the isolated dead-end of Delaware St. next to the freeway, then proceeding past the dump/recycle center, truly one of the armpits of the city.  This is not a suitable route on which to be sending school-bound children, and it does not take cyclist to the rail station.
  • Option 6. Detour though the center of the Agensys project on the pedestrian walkway.
    This detour represents numerous problems including conflicts with traffic in parking lots and pedestrians and makes this an impractical route for cyclists.  It is not practical for cyclists to walk their bikes through the 600-foot length of the proposed walkway.  And, to be functional for transportation purposes, a bicycle-pedestrian path must be open 24-7, as are roads and sidewalks. The pedestrian walkway will, for security reasons, likely be closed in the evening.

5.  How can Michigan serve as a continuous bike route when it is cut in two by the freeway at 20th St?

  • A potential connection exists to bridge this gap by using a strip of Caltrans property between Michigan and 20th St. This link is also shown on the LUCE Bikeway Network map.  Until that is built, one can make a detour around Crossroads school.

Map #8: Caltrans property to be used to connect Michigan over the freeway

6.  What about liability issues posed by the proposed southern boundary bike path, including those caused by conflicts with motor vehicles?

  • The bike path we propose is located at the southern edge of the parcel, presumably separated from the rest of the parcel by a fence of some kind.  There should be no conflicts with vehicles on the other side of the fence.

7.  How can we address liability issues created by having a public access bike path on leased property?

  • Indemnify the lease holder from this liability.  Or, separate the portion of the property that will be used for the bike path from the lease deal.

8.  Agensys’ project needs large floor plates with their operations located in close proximity, not separated on different floors.  How can this be accommodated?

  • Configure buildings and floor plates as currently planned (and described in the EIR), but move the buildings on the southern boundary, as a whole, north to create space for the bike path at the southern edge of the property.  Reduce the width of the generous pedestrian walkway a commensurate amount.  Revise plans for including the old warehouse framework in the walkway as needed (the old warehouse would seem to be an asset of minimal value when compared to the permanent benefits of the bike path).

9.  What options exist for creating the preferred bike path alignment?

  • Use property from the city yards for the bike path.  However, planners have determined that an alternate routing through the City Yards isn’t an option now.  It is not known when this part of the city yards will be redeveloped.  When it is, perhaps the city yards can donate space to create a truly wonderful paseo.
  • The 1800 Stewart Street parcel is proposed to be redeveloped now, so a development agreement is the best opportunity for making this connection. With a 50 year lease under consideration, it is NOW OR NEVER to create this vital link, one way or another.

Barbara Filet and Kent Strumpell
Santa Monica Spoke


Agensys project in the News:

Santa Monica Daily Press   smdp August 23,2010


The LUCE at City Council

The Santa Monica City Council will continue its series of special public hearings on the Draft Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE) today, June 15th at 5:45PM.  The purpose of these hearings is to determine the final contents of the LUCE, and adopt the Plan and its associated Environmental Impact Report.

Future special meetings of the City Council dealing with the LUCE are on the following dates:

Tuesday, June 15 – Special Council meeting, Budget Adoption AND LUCE meeting – 5:45 p.m.

  • 1.     Community Benefits
  • 2.     Housing Strategy
  • 3.     Employment Strategy
  • 4.     Fiscal Impact of Future Land Uses

Thursday, June 24 – Special LUCE meeting – 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.

  • 1.     Final EIR
  • 2.     Districts
  • 3.     Activity Centers
  • 4.     Mix of Uses
  • 5.     Heights

Thursday, July 1 – Special LUCE meeting – 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.

  • 1.     Sustainability/Monitoring & Implementation
  • 2.     Heights
  • 3.     Deliberation

Tuesday, July 6 – Special LUCE meeting – 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.

  • 1.     Deliberation
  • 2.     Adoption of Final LUCE/Certification of Final EIR

If you would like to learn more about the comprehensive vision for the City’s Land Use and Transportation policy, or if you would like to voice your comments on the content of the Plan, please consider going TODAY, June 15th, 2010 at 5:45 p.m. in Council Chambers (City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica 90401).

If you have any questions about the plan or the public process, please write to

Santa Monica Spoke meeting, Wednesday, June 16th 6:30pm

The first of our new monthly meetings has been set for this coming Wednesday, June 16th at 6:30pm in the community room at 502 Colorado Blvd (5th and Colorado)

We are excited to have a special guest Santa Monica City Council member Terry O’Day attending to “talk bikes” in Santa Monica!   Terry O’Day is running to keep his seat in November so now is a great time to meet and talk with him on his ideas for the future.

Come to the meeting, meet the Steering Committee – find out what we are doing and let us know what YOU want to see done.  We need your input to make our city a more friendly, bikeable place to live and play.  With your input we CAN make this happen.

Recently Santa Monica Spoke has been working to get more bike parking in crucial areas of the city such as around downtown and the Third Street Promenade, improving and suggesting new bike lanes, organizing the increasingly successful “Bike it Days” at local schools.  Come, get involved or just give us your input.  Spread the word!!  We’d love to meet you and get your ideas!

The meeting place: 502 Colorado Blvd (5th and Colorado) – enter through the gate on Colorado, We urge you to come on two wheels –Bike parking on the patio. car parking on the street or city structures.

Santa Monica Spoke NEWS

Santa Monica Spoke News

Lots of new and exciting things are happening within Santa Monica Spoke.  At our last meeting, May 26th we selected a committee that will function as our “board of directors“.  It is aptly named the Steering Committee and consists of 8 members who will guide the direction of the group and its committees with the input of its members and the community on the mission of making Santa Monica a better, safer, bikeable community for all!   The Steering Committee members are Bryan Beretta, Dr. Michael Cahn, Barbara Filet, Gary Kavanagh, Richard McKinnon, Mihai Peteu, Scott Reiter and Cynthia Rose. It will be my pleasure to introduce this team to you in upcomming anouncements and at our next meeting which will hopefully be scheduled for Wednesday June 16th.  Please note we are still finallizing details with location and time so stay tuned.

Final meeting place and time will be posted here and on Facebook.  Please spead the word, we would love to see you there as we roll up our sleeves and embark on this adventure together.

Cynthia Rose

Bronze Anniversary Ride

Lets go for Platinum

One year after Santa Monica received the Bronze Award from the League of American Bicyclists, local cyclists get together and imagine the streets of a Santa Monica at the Platinum level of bicycle friendliness. Meet Saturday 22 May at 10:00 am at the Main Library in Santa Monica, 6th Street. A nice little circular ride, less than 5 miles, no speed trials, children welcome, with frequent inspection stop tp discuss and evaluate what we see. Our destination: Back to the I-Cycle Event at the Public Library (aka Bicycle Festival).

Together we are looking out for future Bicycle Boulevards and sharrows: we have a Route on Google Maps, and we have a Destination at the Main Library, where the I-Cycle Event is taking place. Please RSVP for the event on facebook. Lumo, the prince of Bicycle Valet Parking is our guest of honor, and we have reason to hope the press will cover the event. Come and meet fellow cyclists, and let us discuss next steps in local bicycle advocacy. Bring a camera and a bicycle bell, bring the children and some friends, beginners are most welcome to join.