Category Archives: Press

Save funding for bikes and peds! Help TODAY!

We have a serious threat in Washington DC – Senator Coburn (R-OK) is going to introduce an amendment to remove dedicated transportation enhancements funding – this is the main source of federal bike/ped funding for the past 20 years.  I’m forwarding language that you can use for email alerts, Facebook and for the home page of your website.  I’m including short language and longer language. Please let me know when you send out your alert.

The vote could happen as soon as tomorrow, so please send out the alerts TODAY.

Thank you.
Deb Hubsmith, Director
Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Save Transportation Enhancements in the Transportation Extension
Contact Your Senators Today to Preserve Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding

This year, around $700 million of Federal transportation funds, which is less than 2 percent of total transportation dollars, will be spent on bicycling and walking.  In 2012 that figure could be a big fat zero if Senator Coburn (R-OK) gets his way.

In the next few days, Senator Coburn (R-OK) is expected to try and hold up the extension of the SAFETEA-LU transportation bill unless Congress eliminates funding for the federal Transportation Enhancements (TE) program.  For twenty years, Transportation Enhancements has been the primary funding source for sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, trails and more.

Sen. Coburn is threatening to let tens of billions of transportation spending expire after September 30 (the current expiration of SAFETEA-LU) over the small amount that bicycling and walking receives.  If Sen. Coburn were to succeed, it would mean an immediate end to funding for Transportation Enhancements.  It would also mean that our chances of sustaining any funding for bicycling and walking (including for Safe Routes to School and Recreational Trails) in the long-term reauthorization bill would be more difficult.

Members of Congress who oppose bicycling and walking funding are saying that these projects are “job-killing regulations.”  But, bicycle and pedestrian projects create more jobs per dollar than highway-only projects.  And, bicycle and pedestrian projects help alleviate traffic congestion, improve safety, get people active, and give us all more transportation options.

Please take two minutes to contact your Senators today to urge them to vote against the Coburn amendment and sustain dedicated funding for Transportation Enhancements.  Don’t let them take away this vital investment program for smart, sustainable, safe transportation choices.

Thank you for your action. With your help, we can preserve funding for bicycling and walking in the extension and put us in a better position for the long-term transportation bill.

Dinner+Bikes (& Cupcakes) TONIGHT 6pm

Dinner+Bikes (& Cupcakes) Tour starts at 6:00pm Saturday evening

Please join us tonight!
We have had overwhelming response so please arrive early – (if you can 5:30 – 6:00pm).  We can check you in, talk to our guests, see Santa Monica’s New Draft Bike Plan with maps, ….and mingle – buy some raffle tickets to support events like this and SANTA MONICA SPOKE!

At Spoke we aim to build a great biking community here in our city as we help make Santa Monica a better place to bike, walk, work and play!

Gift bags courtesy of REI and the Veggie Grill are for the first 80 who sent in RSVP’s AND we have some unbelievable raffle prizes!!
Momentum Magazines
Special Prizes from City of Santa Monica (incl. membership at the new Bike Center opening soon!)
Pannier set from Helen’s
Knog Bike Computer from Bike Effect
Free catered dinner for 12 from the Veggie Grill
Night Rider Lights (retails from $90- $300) Helen’s and Cynergy Cycles

SPECIAL ADDITION SPOKE CARDS for those who RSVP’d!! (additional cards available for $1)

Raffle tickets help support Santa Monica Spoke.
3 for $5, 7 for $10, 20+ only $1ea.

Park(ing) Day is almost here! Friday 9/16

We has such a blast last year!! Spoke is planning another “park” at Swinger’s this year too!
Also this year our friends at Global Green are also planning a spot over on Main Street.

Any other “parks” in Santa Monica you know of?



VICTORY! Assembly approves 3-foot passing bill, sends to Governor


California is one step closer to providing better protection for bicyclists when sharing the road with other vehicles.

California drivers could see signs like this one if Gov. Jerry Brown signs SB 910 into law.

Yesterday afternoon, the California Assembly voted 41 to 20 to approve Senate Bill 910, the 3-foot passing bill co-sponsored by the California Bicycle Coalition and the City of Los Angeles. The bill was approved by the California Senate in June and now goes to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.

If Brown signs the bill into law, California would be the 19th state to require drivers to give bicyclists at least three feet of clearance when passing them from behind in the same lane.

Read the complete article at


Thank you California Bicycle Coalition, Mayor Villaraigosa and the City of Los Angeles for sponsoring this bill!










RSVP for Dinner+Bikes (&Cupcakes)


To secure your dinner & cupcake please click the link to RSVP with your name to and receive a free raffle ticket!We will have goodie bags, raffle prizes and more!

Additional Raffle tickets will be available for sale at the event and help support Santa Monica Spoke.

This event is free thanks sponsorship by the City of Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Spoke Steering Committee