Category Archives: Press

Assembly approves 3-foot passing bill: but we are not there yet!

Assembly approves 3-foot passing bill

On Monday, Aug. 27 the California Assembly approved the three-foot passing bill by a 54-24 vote after a raucous debate that took nearly 30 minutes.

Next steps for Senate Bill 1464 include a vote — largely procedural — in the Senate to formally concur with the technical amendments made to the bill by the Assembly. Then SB 1464 goes to the Governor for his signature, probably right after Labor Day.

In the previous 10 days we joined thousands of bike-friendly Californians who urged their Assemblymembers to approve SB 1464. Many thanks to our allies at Transform for helping generate such a big response.

We remember last year when we thought we were close to Victory with SB 910, but the bill was vetoed by Gov. Brown! This current bill continues to enjoy strong support from bike advocacy organizations, bicycling clubs, bike manufacturers and retailers, and environmental and safety advocates, as well as thousands of bike-friendly individuals, with none of the organized opposition that fought SB 910, last year’s three-foot passing bill. Based on Gov. Brown’s comments following his veto of SB 910, we’re optimistic that he plans to sign this one.

But the job isn’t finished until then, so we’ll continue publicizing the bill and soliciting support from individuals, organizations and businesses. To do this, we’re grateful for support from California bicycling legend Gary Fisher for the fundraising campaign to help carry California Bike Coalition through this final push and beyond. If you value their work to make California more bike-friendly, please consider donating.

The 3 groups remain separate with Affirmed Shared Goals

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For Immediate Release

Alliance for Biking & Walking: Jeff Miller, 202-449-9692
League of American Bicyclists: Andy Clarke, 202-822-1333
Bikes Belong: Tim Blumenthal, 303-449-4893


Aug. 16, 2012 After months of steady dialogue and face-to-face meetings, the leaders of the Alliance for Biking & Walking, Bikes Belong and League of American Bicyclists have decided not to pursue full unification at this time. The three groups continue to operate independently, in close collaboration, to make bicycling safer and more enjoyable for all Americans.

These unprecedented unification discussions were marked by goodwill and an open exchange of ideas. They helped U.S. bike advocacy leaders agree on a shared vision, goals and strategies that will advance the movement and improve bicycling coast to coast.
The three groups continue to work together and have committed to achieving the following benchmark goals by 2020:

1. The nationwide percentage of trips made by bike will increase to five percent (from one percent in 2012), and the diversity of people on bikes will mirror the diversity of America;
2. Traffic injuries and fatalities (in all modes) will decrease by 50 percent;
3. Half of all Americans will have front-door access to a bicycling network that will take them to destinations within two miles exclusively on low-stress streets, lanes, and trails–protected from high-speed traffic.

The League and Alliance are developing plans to help state and local advocates get the most out of MAP-21, the new, two-year federal transportation bill, and will work with Bikes Belong on this, and other projects. Bikes Belong has initiated a strategic discovery process to review its overall goals and to refine its focus, and is engaging the League and Alliance to help shape its future direction.

The leaders of all three groups began the unification discussion fully aware of the challenges of blending unique legal structures, membership bases, project priorities, and headquarters locations. While these talks didn’t produce a merger, the groups will continue to work together to engage, represent and connect the many different elements of the bicycling movement. They will focus on federal, state, and local projects that best improve bike infrastructure and safety in the United States.

Supporting a Bicycle Leader in Need: Shay from C.I.C.L.E.

In support of one of our own. Please help us support Shay Sanchez in her fight with Lupus. All of us who bike in Los Angeles owe a certain debt to Shay for her dedication and vision to safe human-powered mobility, made accessible for people of all ability levels. Shay, you are in our hearts – your legacy lives strong!
Now it’s our turn to help.

Mark Your Calendars: August 9th, Night of Streetfilms to Benefit Shay Sanchez

On Thursday, August 9th, (starting at 7:00pm) join us for a night of Streetfilms, tacos and good company as we raise funds for the Kick Butt and Get Better Fund to benefit our friend Shay Sanchez at the Flying Pigeon Bike Shop (3304 N Figueroa Street.) The event is brought to you by L.A. Streetsblog and Bike Nation. All proceeds from the door, t-shirts, food and raffle will benefit the fund. more & FB event

If you can’t make it, you can donate directly, right here:

from our friends at C.I.C.L.E.


Dear C.I.C.L.E.ists and Bike Community Friends,

Shay in 2011, with the assistance of a wheelchair, leads an event called Walk & Roll. An equivalent to Urban Expeditions for people with limited mobility. While fighting her illness she is still on two wheels helping people.

I am writing to ask for support for Shay Shanchez, the founder of C.I.C.L.E.  Those of us who knew Shay during her tenure, remember her for the love and compassion she effortlessly shared.  For those who do not know Shay, she selflessly worked to improve the community and touched people’s lives by setting them free with human-powered mobility.  Shay built C.I.C.L.E. into a thriving organization with passionate dedication, often putting in much of her personal time and resources.  Due to Shay’s long-term struggle with Lupus, she designed an innovative approach to bicycle transportation that made biking accessible for people of all ability levels – a legacy that C.I.C.L.E. continues today.

Shay has been suffering quietly for the past three years.  She has had several brushes with death and has permanently lost her mobility due to Lupus Vasculitis.  If Shay has personally, or through her organization, touched your life, I ask you to consider making a contribution to herpersonal Kick Butt and Get Better Fund.  Shay and her partner have incurred and are facing heavy costs to improve her quality of life.  C.I.C.L.E. is also planning a community bicycle event for Shay in October.  More details will be included in the e-newsletter.  Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and donation consideration.

Dan Dabek
Executive Director, C.I.C.L.E.


More About Shay

An iconic picture of Shay in 2008


Shay Wiessler Sanchez was a vibrant and spunky 39 year old, who founded and was at the helm of her own growing and influential nonprofit organization. But in 2009, her life took a horrible, and life-threatening turn for the worse. Her decade-long struggle with Lupus manifested into an aggressive form of vasculitis. Her immune system suddenly decided to attack her own arteries and blood vessels.

In order to heal, Shay was forced to quit her position at her nonprofit, C.I.C.L.E., and immediately embark upon an aggressive treatment program. Working with renowned UCLA Rheumatologist Dr. Bevra Hahn, Shay commenced a daily regimen of immunosuppressant agents, including chemotherapy, in order to put a halt to the rapidly progressing disease and maintain a fighting chance.

For the past two years, she has struggled to gain control over this potentially deadly disease. With a careful and strategic medical  strategy, her team of doctors have managed to bring Shay into a relatively stable condition. But the aggressive pharmaceutical protocol took an unfortunate toll on her body. The treatments, in conjunction with the disease, have left her wheelchair bound, in pain and unable to independently care for herself.  Recently, Shay has partially lost her ability to swallow and breath on her own while sleeping.  Doctors believe that the cause is Myasthenia Gravis (MG), which is linked to autoimmune diseases like Lupus.  Unfortunately, her situation continues to ebb and flow and the threat of relapse constantly looms – lupus vasculitis is a remitting and relapsing disease with no cure.

This continued and prolonged fight for Shay’s health has delivered a significant financial blow to Shay and her partner. Shay currently requires new rounds of medical treatment and a continued high level of medical care. Additional financial support from the community is readily needed to improve her drastically reduced quality of life and provide healthcare equipment and services not provide by insurance.

The Shay’s Kick Butt and Get Better Fund was launched to provide assistance with this fight — so that Shay can finally kick this beast in the belly, and get the support that she needs in order to gain a second chance with a relatively good quality of life.

Performance Better Bicycling Community’ Grants Winner …….. Santa Monica Spoke

 For Immediate Release

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Performance Bicycle® Announces its
‘Better Bicycling Community’ Grants Winners

Nation’s Largest Independent Cycling Retailer Awards
10 Local Communities With $3,000 Grants

CHAPEL HILL, NC - (Aug. 1, 2012) - In celebration of its 30th Anniversary, Performance Bicycle has awarded $30,000 in Better Bicycling Community Grants. Ten advocacy organizations around the country received $3,000 to support local efforts to boost the accessibility of bicycling in communities where there are Performance stores. The grants are administered in collaboration with the Alliance for Biking & Walking.

“It was a tough decision to narrow it down to 10 recipients,” said Performance Bicycle Chief Executive Officer David Pruitt. “We want to thank all the terrific organizations dedicated to making cycling more accessible. Each one is a vital part of their community and we appreciate their hard work and commitment.”

The ten organizations that will receive a Better Bicycling Community grant are spread across the country. Each will involve the community and will work with their local Performance store to achieve their grant goals. . The funded campaigns are as follows:

Bike Austin (Austin, Texas): North MoPac Bike Highway Commuter Route Campaign

Bike Maryland (Baltimore, Maryland): Bicycle Friendly Maryland Campaign

Bike Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah): CiSLClovia – Open Streets Initiative

Carrboro Bicycle Coalition (Chapel Hill, North Carolina): Chapel Hill – Carrboro Open Streets Initiative

Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation (Seattle, Washington): Advocacy Leadership Institute

Central Ohio Mountain Biking Organization (Westerville, Ohio): Rejuvenation of Alum Creek Phase 1 Campaign

Community Bikes (Charlottesville, Virginia): Charlottesville Open Streets Initiative

East Bay Bicycle Coalition (Oakland, California): Yes on Measure B Campaign

Living Streets Alliance (Tucson, Arizona): Kidical Mass Tucson 2013 Campaign

Santa Monica Spoke (Santa Monica, California): Community Outreach for Better Biking in Santa Monica

To read more on all the wonderful projects see the full Press Release - HERE

Thank you Performance Bicycle and the Alliance for Biking & Walking. We are very excited to have been selected for this grant that will support our community. These funds will support our outreach and implementation efforts for Santa Monica’s Bicycle Action Plan projects, specifically The Michigan Avenue Greenway and Broadway Bicycle Boulevard.


About Performance Bicycle®:
Performance Bicycle® is the No. 1 specialty bicycle retailer in the U.S. and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Performance Inc. Performance provides a multi-channel cycling retail experience that spans more than 100 stores nationwide, and, all catering to both the avid cycling enthusiast and the recreational rider. Performance Inc. is majority owned by North Castle Partners of Greenwich, Conn.

About the Alliance for Biking & Walking:
The Alliance for Biking & Walking is the coalition of more than 200 state and local bicycle and pedestrian organizations working together to promote bicycling and walking in North American communities. To learn more about the Alliance, visit