Team LACBC returns for the fourth year to tackle hills and climate change on Climate Ride California North Coast this May! Sign up as part of Team LACBC, and you’ll ride in support of LACBC and other environmental causes.
Joni and Nicole: Two local riders participating to benefit LACBC and Local Chapter Santa Monica Spoke!
Here are 10 reasons why you should join Team LACBC on Climate Ride!
About Climate Ride California North Coast Ride:
Climate Ride California North Coast is a gorgeous cycling adventure that begins in California’s historic Redwood Empire near Eureka, travels along the scenic coast, and ventures into the famed Russian River Valley before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco. Climate Ride California is more than a bike trip—it’s an inspiring journey with like-minded people who are united by their passion for sustainability, renewable energy, and bicycles—the ultimate carbon-free form of transportation.
This 5-day journey has riders covering 40-70 miles per day of carefully planned routes on scenic back roads. The ride is fully supported, with Climate Ride staff taking care of meals, snacks, mechanical support, luggage transport, and other logistics. The dates for 2016 are May 22 to May 26.
About Team LACBC at Climate Ride:
Now in our fourth year of participating in Climate Ride, Team LACBC first formed in 2012 and has been the top fundraising team for the past three years. This year’s co-captains are returning riders Greg Laemmle and Nora Hipolito. Read about our history here.
How It Works:
When you join Team LACBC and choose LACBC as your sole beneficiary, a portion of the money you raise will support LACBC’s work to make L.A. County a healthy, safe, and fun place to ride a bike. It is important to note that the only thing that is required of your participation on Team LACBC is that you select Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition as your SOLE beneficiary. This is because beneficiaries receive a percentage of the amount raised. After you finish registering, you are provided a personal fundraising page to begin collecting donations.
Each rider has to raise a minimum of $2,800. If that sounds intimidating, don’t worry! We have lots of experience in this area and can help reach your fundraising goals. Climate Ride offers many tools that make raising money easier than you might think. LACBC also offers incentives to Team LACBC riders for reaching fundraising milestones, as well as incentives you can offer to the individuals and companies who contribute to your ride. Trust us, you can do it.
Join Team LACBC:
Sign up for Team LACBC here!
Connect with Team LACBC:
Email Marc Horwitz at climateride@la-bike.org if you have questions. Also, check out Team LACBC’s Climate Ride FAQ section, as well as Climate Ride’s FAQ section.
Follow the Team on Facebook at facebook.com/TeamLACBC2016. Check our FB page for all the latest news and the scoop on Training Rides!
Training Rides:
Ride with the team! Most of our training rides are open to the public. Whether you’re considering signing up for the team, want to support the team, or just looking for a good weekend ride, you’re more than welcome to join us on the road!
Ride details will be posted in advance each week via ourÂ
Facebook Page. Note, these are not supported rides and participants are expected to keep pace with the group. Pace changes weekly, according to rider levels.
More resources here: