One month from today, September 16, 2014 the Three Feet for Safety Act will finally go into effect. The Three Feet for Safety Act legally mandates that motorists give people on bikes at least three feet of space when passing. Existing law requires motorists to pass bicyclists while keeping a “safe distance.” The new law defines “safe distance†as three feet. If enough space is not available, the motorist must slow and pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist.
One key to making the new law effective is to make sure everyone, specifically the driving public knows about it. LACBC has collaborated with AAA, Wire Media, and CalBike to create the “I Give 3 Feet†graphic free for use to publicize the new law. This graphic can be downloaded from Wire Media here. We encourage all media outlets (big or small), bicycle groups, and interested parties download and utilize this graphic, along with the associated bullet points about the law.
Key points to include with the Three Foot for Safety Act graphic are:
- Existing law requires motorists to pass bicyclists while keeping a “safe distance.”
- This new law defines “safe distance†as at least three feet when passing bicyclists traveling in the same direction. This new law gives an educational tool for motorists. Instead of teaching drivers to give a “safe†amount of space when passing, we teach them to give a specific 3 feet. If they don’t it’s punishable by law.
- If not enough space is available, the motorist must slow and pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist.
- Violators will face a $35 fine, as well as a $220 fine if a collision occurs.
- Law takes effect September 16, 2014.
-  It lays the political groundwork for Vulnerable Road User laws, and laws of the like to protect all road users
AAA has printed 10,000 window clings for public distribution utilizing the same graphic. Their roadside assistance will be handing out tip cards with the graphic starting in September. Our partners at CalBike are also offering two sticker designs to help promote the new law. We have a supply of window clings that are available free at any of our local events. LACBC has a supply at the main office downtown LA. If you are interested in a greater supply please contact us. You can request the CalBike stickers and window clings directly from CalBike by following this link: https://calbike.org/bulkgiveme3form
Our work with AAA and CalBike is made possible thanks to the support of LACBC members and donors. Not a member? Become an LACBC member or make a donation today.