Click here to view all events on #BikeMonthSM Map

Click the Bike Month drop down for more info and a full list of participating businesses and specials.  
This year is being updated  (Click HERE to view the latest updates for May Bike Month in our calendar of events)

Click HERE to Sign Up to host a Pitstop, event, special or promotion in Santa Monica during Bike Month!

— Links on this page are updated regularly.

TheLEAGUE-BikeMonthMay is National Bike Month, sponsored by the  League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling” and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.bike_month_250x250


It’s a celebration of bikes; a reminder to get rolling again; a gateway to riding more often; a time to evangelize the beauty of bikes; and much, much more.

Whether you bike to work or school; ride to save money or time; pump those pedals to preserve your health or the environment; or simply to explore your community, National Bike Month is an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride. The momentum is building: With growing cultural awareness around health and wellness, sustainability and economic savings, bicycling is being seen by new and broader audiences as a simple solution to many complex problems, from reducing obesity rates to increasing mobility options. This year, we want to hear from you. What’s your why? With so many reasons to ride, what’s yours? Use the hashtags #WhyIRide and #BikeLocalSM #BikeMonthSM #GoSaMo on social media and also tag @SMSpoke @BikeLeague!

Each year the number and diversity of Bike Month celebrations continues to grow, accelerating the momentum around bicycling nationwide.

So much more – See our CALENDAR

5 thoughts on “May BIKE MONTH!

  1. Pingback: May is BIKE MONTH! | Santa Monica Spoke

  2. Pingback: Silver Level Bike Friendly Community designation! | Santa Monica Spoke

  3. Pingback: HBHH tomorrow, SM Spoke meeting Saturday and May is Bike Month! | Santa Monica Spoke

  4. Pingback: Pedal Into Spring With Bike Month in Santa Monica - - Tourist Bin

  5. Pingback: Happy Bike Month: Week 2 | Santa Monica Spoke

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