Author Archives: Cynthia Rose

Kidical Mass is next weekend!

click image to load event page with all the info and any updates

DATE:    Sunday February 9th
TIME:    9:00 AM – NOON
START:  Ishihara Park (2909 Exposition Blvd)
– meet Exposition Blvd between picnic area and playground.

Free: Please RSVP HERE so we have enough refreshments and activity supplies!
Por favor RSVP AQUÍ así que tenemos suficientes refrigerios y materiales de actividad!

Join Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica Safe Routes to School for the next Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride from Ishihara Park and Community Gardens!  We are excited to be joined by the Santa Monica Community Gardeners with fresh pancakes and tours of the Community Learning Garden. You never know what special guest could join us.
RSVP and arrive to Check-in for your pre-ride snacks and activities!
YEY Prize Drawings!

* Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long……

1st HandleBar Happy Hour for 2020 is Wednesday!

Click image to see the calendar event

Join us for our first HandleBar Happy Hour in 2020 at Lanea!
Our group will be treated to complementary chips and salsa to share and a free tamale with your first beverage purchased! Yummmmm!

When: Wednesday, January 29
Where: Lanea, 217 Broadway, Santa Monica 90401
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

#HBHH #BikeLocalSM #BikeSM #SMSpoke #DrinkLocalSM #EatLocalSM
Our Happy Hours support local businesses and BuyLocalSM

Big thank you to our last #BuyLocalSM #BikeLocalSM #HBHH venue TRiP!

If it’s on your way don’t forget to pass the Bike Counter!

2nd Annual Mobility Mixer 2020: Westside

January 30 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Meet the Bike West LA and Central LA Bike Ambassadors, local bike shop owners, cycling clubs, mobility advocates, bike geeks, public transit fans and safe street allies at our 2nd annual mobility mixer. We’re transforming LA from, “the most dangerous city to cycle in” to something that we can all be proud of for walkers, runners, strollers, rollers and more.

Light refreshments and beverages

Click HERE to see the event page

Kidical Mass: Valentine Edition

A Family Bike Ride for ALL AGES – Kids to Seniors!
Sunday – February 9th – Ishihara Park

Click flyer to load the event page, Spanish language flyer below

DATE:    Sunday February 9th
TIME:    9:00 AM – NOON
START:  Ishihara Park (2909 Exposition Blvd)
– meet Exposition Blvd between picnic area and playground.

Free: Please RSVP HERE so we have enough refreshments and activity supplies!
Por favor RSVP AQUÍ así que tenemos suficientes refrigerios y materiales de actividad!

Join Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica Safe Routes to School for the next Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride from Ishihara Park and Community Gardens!  We are excited to be joined by the Santa Monica Community Gardeners with fresh pancakes and tours of the Community Learning Garden. You never know what special guest could join us.
RSVP and arrive to Check-in for your pre-ride snacks and activities!
YEY Prize Drawings!

9::00am – 12:00pm
Don’t miss the fun pre-ride activities!

Pre-ride snacks, fresh pancakes, coffee, and beverages for the kids (Please help us reduce waste and be sustainable, bring your own cups/plates), Helmet Decorating, Prizes, Free Bike Safety Checks, & Check in.
Arrive early and don’t miss the FUN!
We return to Ishihara Park for FUN and post-ride snacks.
Valentine themed activity are being planned!

* Children must be accompanied and are the responsibility of their parents. Bikes should be in good working condition. Free Safety Checks on site for minor adjustments/repairs. Please use good judgement – ride is on city streets – smaller children should be in a child seat, in a trailer or Tag-a-long……

Don’t have a bike –
You can #RideBreeze!

Don’t have a Kid Carrying Bike? NOT  A PROBLEM !
Special 20% discount on Rentals at the Santa Monica Bike Center.

Un paseo de grupo en bicicleta, divertido y para toda la familia.

Con el tema de Día de San Valentín en Santa Mónica comenzando en Ishihara Park a las 9 am 2/09/19.

Action Alert: Stewart / Pennsylvania Bike & Pedestrian Project

Your input is needed!

Hello friends, interested in road safety?
We invite you to take this short survey now on the much needed and innovative improvements proposed for Stewart Street & Pennsylvania Avenue. The project is under attack for some of the needed safety improvements.

• You will be prompted to click on each icon in the navigation on the left.
• At the bottom of each element, there is a + with the name of the project.
• Click to take survey.
• Fill in comments, then submit. You only get once chance, so make it count.
• Move down the list to the next of the 4 element of the project to give your opinion.

City planners have designed a very innovative project and clearly worked extremely hard to design the best possible project incorporating community and local business input and feedback for the fewest tradeoffs and losses to parking. In addition to two Community Open Houses, local business and stakeholders have been engaged for input during the design process. This project is also identified as part of the Land Use and Circulation Element, the Bike Action Plan, the Bergamot Area Plan, and the Pedestrian Action Plan

It appears the project is being attacked by one of the local businesses that has taken a dislike to the project due to a (minimal) loss of on street metered parking, and a median that restricts left turns. These changes mitigate the current rather serious traffic conflicts and congestion by improving traffic flow and safety for all road users. The business has chosen to use a hot button issue to solicit push back on this safety improvement project – THIS PROJECT IS ABOUT SAFE AND EQUITABLE ACESS and IMPROVING OVERALL STREET SAFETY FOR EVERYONE! We love and support our local businesses, but we are extremely disappointed in this one for this smear campaign. Parking must NEVER, EVER outweigh safety improvements. 

This project exceeded our hopes for Stewart & Pennsylvania as it was identified in the Bike Action Plan and the Pedestrian Action Plan. WE LOVE IT. It will finally provide a needed north/south bike connection, pedestrian improvements, improved – safer north/south connections to EXPO and improved safe routes to schools, parks and local businesses! There are almost always tradeoffs when streets are reimagined to incorporate and improve equity and safety as a priority. Please join us in support of this project by taking the short survey – it really only takes a few minutes. 


Stewart & Pennsylvania Safety Enhancement

The City of Santa Monica’s Stewart & Pennsylvania Safety Enhancement Project will enhance safety and access to/from the Expo 26th Street/Bergamot Station, and address safety issues identified as part of the City’s Take the Friendly Road campaign. The project seeks to enhance the safety and comfort for pedestrians and bicyclists along Stewart Street between Colorado and Kansas, and Pennsylvania Avenue between 26th Street and Stewart Street The safety enhancements include:

  • Enhancement of the existing bikelane to a protected bikeway along Stewart Street from Kansas to Colorado/Yale. 
  • Intersection safety enhancements at Stewart Street/Colorado/Yale and Stewart/Nebraska making crossings easier to navigate for pedestrian/bicyclists 
  • Add new sidewalks and pedestrian scale lighting along Pennsylvania Avenue, between 26th Street and Stewart Street
  • Add Curb Extension and new curb ramps

This project is part of an on-going citywide effort to enhance safety for people that walk, bike, or take transit. 

Please do let us know if you have any questions. Stay tuned for future updates and Action Alerts!
Thank you in advance!