May 2 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Santa Monica Main Library
— 2nd floor Mulit-Purpose Room

Social will follow at the West 4th & Jane
Join us as we kick off Bike Month with an evening conversation with this years group of students from the Cycling Institute in Rotterdam. The presentations will include a how the Dutch are approaching technology and bike safety as well as where we park all these bikes once we get folks riding as well as the effects of transportation poverty.
The topics for this evenings conversations will be:
- Technology and bike safety – Students will present on 5 different approaches used in Europe to stimulate bike usage by means of different types of technology. Some cases are focused on travel time reductions, others on safety and or infrastructure improvements. The cases will firstly be explained (how does the system work?), before they will discuss results and improvements that they fell need to be made to achieve better results.
- Bicycle parking – the students looked into bike parking in several Dutch cities, parking in city centers and esp. near train stations.
- Parking cleans up the streets from chaos where bikes are parked everywhere.
- Technology enters parking structures and some are now as advanced if not more than car parks.
- Bike parking plays a role in Ditch cities for using the bicycle to the city center, School and work. In fact, bike parking seems to enhance bike riding. Surprised?
- Transportation poverty results of 200 initial interviews in difficult neighborhoods in order to find out what their preferred mode of transport is in the city and in their neighborhood. Lack of access to mobility keeps people locked up in their neighborhoods and results in social isolation.
- When a bicycle could literally be a vehicle to gainful employment.
- People with lack of mobility options interviewed felt exclusivity when it comes to participating in city life.
Every year we host a new group of students visiting Los Angeles from the Cycling Institute in Rotterdam.