Congratulations to our own Francie Stefan selected as a 2019 Leadership Fellow.
Santa Monica is a member city of National Association of City Transportation Officials – NACTO

For the last ten years we have appreciated the leadership in Santa Monica and working with the talented and enthusiastic mobility, planning team. Francie Stefan has been there all along and is now the Acting Chief Mobility Officer/Assistant Director of Planning & Community Development for the City of Santa Monica.
For many of us Santa Monica is special – we give more as a community and expect more from our city. In Santa Monica – we lead, however despite Santa Monica’s leadership, cutting edge implementations, engaged and talented staff – we are still often overshadowed by our huge neighbors to the east. Just like environmental sustainability, mobility must also be a regional effort – it is wonderful to see our local talent nationally appreciated and empowered to lead us into a more equitable future that includes better options for muti-mobility and street design that prioritize safety, people, and place over machines.
City transportation is about more than managing traffic congestion and maintaining pothole-free streets.
It’s about more than movement for movement’s sake; today, city transportation is about creating a safe and pleasant walking experience and vibrant public spaces that anchor livable neighborhoods and economically strong cities. City transportation is about flexible mobility and access to opportunities. It’s about creating choices for travel, from quick and reliable transit service, to convenient and enjoyable bike share trips, to dynamic, technology-enabled mobility innovations like ride-hailing and automated vehicles. City transportation is about meaningful community engagement, public-private partnerships, and creative design approaches to do more with our most valuable public assets: city streets.
At a time when we are asking more of our city streets, we are also asking more of our city leaders. Today’s most successful transportation leaders have more than technical competency—they have the ability to articulate and implement a bold vision for how we move and live in cities.
Click to read full article here
Congratulations to this year’s roster of impressive leaders!
Ariel Espiritu Santo, Oakland DOT
Francie Stefan, City of Santa Monica
Hannah McIntosh, King County Metro Transit
Jamie Parks, SFMTA
Jessica Zenk, San José DOT
Kathleen Mayell, City of Minneapolis
Keith Benjamin, City of Charleston
Kim Lucas, DDOT
Laura Dierenfield, Austin Transportation Department
Monique Earl, LADOT
Stefanie Seskin, Boston Transportation Department
Suchitra Sanagavarapu, NYC DO
I would like to commend the leadership of Santa Monica. I visit frequently and have found biking around the city to be a positive experience despite all of the congestion. It’s a work in progress, but better than many places I’ve been!
Thank you – hope to meet you at one of our events!