Friday, March 15, 2019
6:30 PM  –  8:30 PM
- Member price: Free • Non-member price: Free

Join us in welcoming Annalisa van den Bergh & Erik Douds to the Santa Monica REI for this special Free event.
When Annalisa and Erik ride their nearly 100-pound loaded bicycles, people ask them questions. A lot of questions. Across America and around Alaska, their bicycles have become the ultimate conversation starter and have introduced them to hundreds of people. Miles of Portraits is a magazine and film that captures their stories and celebrates kindness in a time when all we seem to hear about is bad news. Starting in mid-March, they’ll cycle from LA to Santa Fe, NM, stopping at REIs along the way to tell their story. Come watch the film and hear Annalisa and Erik, both type 1 diabetics, talk about these kind souls they’ve met across on their bike travels as well as their deeper reasons for riding their bicycles really, really far.