2014 is a year of tremendous opportunity for California’s communities.  Imagine our communities with world-class, affordable public transit, walkable, bikeable streets, and homes affordable and accessible to all. That’s what’s possible. With millions of new cap-and-trade revenue, California is now deciding how to best spend that money. You and I have the opportunity to tell legislators how this money can and should make a difference in our daily lives.
This will be my third year participating in the important summit and lobby day at our state capital. I invite you to join me in Sacramento at the Transportation Choices Summit on Tuesday, April 22 and at the optional Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 23rd. We’ll learn about the latest legislative developments and strategize with community advocates from around the state.  Together, we can build a movement to transform transportation and improve the lives of all Californians. There are low-cost and no-cost options to attend. Click here to learn more and register at: http://transform.
Join me in Sacramento? Transportation Choices Summit 2014: join me in Sacramento at the Transportation Choices… http://t.co/rrxJzVTHYm