Local Update meeting:
MANGo, BAP implementations and prioritizing,
Announcements and community input!
We invite you to start your day with us on Saturday December 7th with bagels and coffee to get an update and reults on the MANGo Pop Up Greenway event, the upcoming BAP implementations and more.
Date  December 7, 2013
Day   Satuday
Time  10:30am *
Location: TBD*
* Time and location are still be worked out. Please stay tuned for location and more program information.
And don’t forget December 5th
 Victories of Future Past
Save the DATE: December 7th 2013, Local Update Meeting: Start your day with us on Saturday December 7th with… http://t.co/osrpAARymk
RT @SMSpoke: Save the DATE: December 7th 2013, Start your day with us! Local Update Meeting: MANGo, BAP & more.. http://t.co/umRJIbMnPu